Help Desk Migration partner of Zendesk

Fast & safe Kustomer to Zendesk data migration services

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Automated approach, zero time-out, excluded workflow breaks

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What Records Can You Import from Kustomer to Zendesk ?

With Help Desk Migration app, you can with ease import or export sizable portions of varied data types to or from Kustomer to Zendesk. Take a look the selection of data types you can import making use of automation without extra assistance from tech representatives.

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Kustomer entitiesZendesk entities
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How Kustomer to Zendesk Data Migration Works

You can carry out data migration in five simple steps, applying our automated migration service. If you’re dealing with a elaborate data structure, feel free to choose our custom route. We’re up for it to meet your special demands.

Connect platforms

Connect your source and target platforms

Map and match data

Specify how your data should be transferred


Start a Demo to access the replication tool and its results

Full Data Migration

Start or plan your data transition

Elevate Your Kustomer to Zendesk Export with These Options

  • Transfer content versions of your help center

    Get your multilingual help center articles to your target help desk system easily! Take advantage of our “Migrate content translations” opportunity and transfe translated versions of each article automatedly.

  • Omit attachments

    Does your future customer service tool provide compact data storage? Omit attachments, specially if your historical support service data lose no track of processes without them. The data import and export time will decrease remarkably.

  • Create a extra tag to the imported tickets

    Are you going to run a source help desk tool during data migration? To get rid of mess, take advantage of extra tags to the exported tickets to mark out them from the existing ones.

  • Migrate inline images as attachments

    Don’t want to lose images fixed into the tickets? You can migrate them to the targeted help desk platform as attachments.

  • Give a try to our Demo with custom records by moving 20 entities

    If you need to see how chosen entities will look like in the destination platform, start this free custom Demo and choose 20 entities for a test.

  • Import newest data first

    Choose this castomization to move your newest records in a chronological order, from most recent to oldest. This out-of-the-box feature is applicable to Full Migrations.

Your Help Desk Data Import is the Whole Way Along

Help Desk Migration solution ensures endless migration options with no compromising on security. We regularly audit all facilities and make improvements, so that your data is protected matching to the fresh standards.

We enforce a firm two-factor authentication policy

Help Desk Migration Wizard secured your data from illegal acquiring access with 2FA authentication. Additionally, only your agents with admin access rights can export your Kustomer data. With these security features arranged, you won’t have to worry about data leak.

Three-layer data protection

We deliver three levels of records safety: physical (we secure our hosting facilities against physical and logical breach), network (we take care of our networks against digital attacks), and app (we secure your business records within our migration platform against unlawful log in).

We meet safety levels

We protect your data based on all major security levels. Help Desk Migration service possesses an comprehensive set of compliance, and we keep expanding it. These days, we meet the demands and requirements of GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, PCI (Level 1), and other data safety principles.

What is the cost of your Kustomer to Zendesk data migration?

And now to the burning question. How much will it cost to switch from Kustomer to Zendesk? The cost will mostly build upon the data volume you want to move, the complexity of your specifications, and the features you’ll select or custom work you’ll inquire. Start a Free Demo to check the Migration Wizard work and learn how much your data transfer will cost.

Run a Demo to get the price

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Elevating Zendesk Data Import Efficiency

Elevate your Zendesk data import game with Help Desk Migration. Our Zendesk import solutions cover every aspect, from Zendesk CSV import to custom field integration, including custom user field and custom organization field mapping. We ensure that email addresses and business rules are meticulously handled throughout the process.

With our import app, you can choose from various import types and options, making Zendesk import automation a breeze. Whether you're dealing with CSV data files, ticket imports, or additional import types, Help Desk Migration has the tools to simplify your Zendesk import process.

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Find out the way to prepare for Zendesk data migration

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Frequently Asked Questions

To prepare for migrating to Zendesk, there are a few steps you should follow. First, audit your Kustomer account data and remove duplicate records. Then, turn off triggers and automation in your Zendesk. Next, create an account in the Migration Wizard and connect the Source and Target platforms. Choose which objects to migrate and map the fields to avoid issues. After that, start the Zendesk migration and download the reports when finished. You can review the following checklists for more detailed guidance:

Help Desk Migration can automatedly transfer various types of records from Kustomer to Zendesk, such as tickets, groups, agents, contacts, ticket attachments, ticket private and public notes, ticket custom fields, organization custom fields, contact custom fields, Created_at, Updated_at, Closed_at, knowledge base articles with folders, categories, and inline images.

The duration of Kustomer to Zendesk migration depends on the quantity of data and attachments you have, as well as the API limits of your Kustomer and Zendesk accounts. If you have high API limits, the help desk migration will be fast.

To ensure a smooth migration from Kustomer to Zendesk, there are several preparatory steps that you need to undertake.

  • Replicate the custom fields that you have in Kustomer on Zendesk.
  • Set up saved replies (macros) on Zendesk.
  • Create agent profiles that match those in Kustomer.
  • Activate the Help Center to transfer the knowledge base records.
  • Switch off triggers and automation in Zendesk.
  • Disable ticket conditions in Zendesk.

You don't need coding skills or specific expertise to transfer your customer records with the Migration Wizard. The onboarding process is quick and intuitive, and the automated service will guide you through simple steps to configure your migration from Kustomer to Zendesk.

Absolutely! The Migration Wizard allows you to transfer data from several Kustomer accounts. However, remember that you need to set up a separate Demo Migration for each account to ensure a smooth and successful migration to Zendesk

There are no limitations on the number of help desk records you can migrate from Kustomer to Zendesk. However, it's important to note that the duration of the help desk migration is influenced by the volume of imported records. To speed up the migration process, you may want to request to increase your API limits beforehand or skip attachments.

Complete Kustomer to Zendesk Import in a Couple Clicks

Import your records from Kustomer to Zendesk without difficulty with no disorganizing from what actually matters — resolving your clients’ concerns. Help Desk Migration solution takes on all the work behind the scenes while you simply enjoy respond to your clients tickets your selected platform.

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