Zendesk to Gorgias data migration done simply

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What Sorts of Records Can You Import from Zendesk to Gorgias ?

With Help Desk Migration Wizard, you can smoothly migrate big volumes of various data entities to or from Zendesk to Gorgias. Examine the set of data entities you can import or export using automated tool without any assistance from tech pros.

Do you need nonstandard Zendesk to Gorgias import needs?

Let us know you need a custom data import.

Zendesk entitiesGorgias entities
Help Desk
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How Zendesk to Gorgias Data Migration Goes

You can perform data import in a few simple actions, using our automated migration tool. If you’re managing a unique data structure, feel free to select our customized approach. We’re up for it to follow your distinct requirements.

Connect platforms

Connect your source and target platforms

Map and match data

Specify how your data should be transferred


Start a Demo to access the replication tool and its results

Full Data Migration

Start or plan your data transition

Elevate Your Zendesk to Gorgias Move with These Functions

  • Omit attachments

    Does your future support service platform deliver limited data storage? Skip attachments, especially if your current data doesn’t suffer a loss of its value without them. The data import time will cut down remarkably.

  • Create a additional tag to the imported tickets

    Are you going to run a current help desk tool during migration? To avoid disorder, add extra tags to the exported tickets to distinguish them from the remaining ones.

  • Migrate inline images as attachments

    Import the images added into tickets as attachments. The data export time might be longer, but the images will never disappear along with the current a new help desk solution.

  • Take a look our Demo with custom records by migrating 20 entities

    If you want to check how particular entities look like in the targeted help desk, go for this free custom Demo and appoint 20 entities for a test.

  • Import newest records first

    Opt for this castomization to import your most recent records in a chronological flow, from most recent to oldest. The capability applies exclusively to Full Migration.

  • Migrate side conversations

    Transfer effortlessly your ticket side conversations while moving from Zendesk. During the data migration, these conversations will be imported as private comments into your new helpdesk.

  • Import call recordings

    You may require support service call recordings for coaching your customer support team. Help Desk Migration service lets you migrate them to the desired help desk system as attachments.

Your Help Desk Data Import is Secured at Each Stage

Using Help Desk Migration solution, don't worry about safety of business data. We frequently check all facilities and make improvements, so that your data is guarded matching to the recent requirements.

We enforce a stringent two-factor authentication policy

Help Desk Migration Wizard shields your records from illegal accessing with two-factor access. Besides, only users with admin rights can migrate your Zendesk records. United, these security measures eliminate the dangers of information leak.

We employ 3-layer

We deliver 3 levels of business data safety: physical (we secure our hosting equipment against physical and logical intrusion), network (we take care of our networks against digital abuse), and app (we secure your business data within our importing and exporting service from forbidden entry).

We meet industry-standard principles

We protect your records based on all essential security levels. Help Desk Migration service holds an comprehensive set of compliance, and we keep growing it. These days, we are compatible with GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, PCI (Level 1), and other data safety principles.

What is the cost of your Zendesk to Gorgias data migration?

And now to the burning question. How much will it cost to switch from Zendesk to Gorgias? The price will mostly depend on the records volume you need to migrate, the complexity of your specifications, and the options you’ll select or customizations you’ll request. Set a Free Demo to test the Migration Wizard performance and find out how much your data transfer will cost.

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Find out the way to prepare for Gorgias data migration

Prepare for Gorgias data migration by checking an in-depth step-by-step guide

Frequently Asked Questions

You can import multiple Zendesk instances to Gorgias via the Help Desk Migration service automatedly.

Complete Zendesk to Gorgias Migration in a Couple Clicks

Export your data from Zendesk to Gorgias simply without disordering from what actually matters — dealing with your clients’ concerns. Help Desk Migration solution makes all the work behind the scenes while you simply enjoy working with your new platform.

Get more tips and tricks about data import

Willing to know more about help desk business data migration and customer service improvement? Check out our help section.

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