Secure Help Scout to Help Scout data migration services

Help Scout
Help Scout
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What Entities Can You Import from Help Scout to Help Scout ?

With Help Desk Migration app, you can conveniently import and export massive portions of varying data entities to or from Help Scout to Help Scout. Examine the list of records you can import incorporating automation without extra help from tech service reps.

Do you look for especial Help Scout to Help Scout import or export requirements?

Let's discuss your requirements for a nonstandard data migration.

Help Scout entitiesHelp Scout entities
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How Help Scout to Help Scout Data Migration Runs

You can do data import in a few simple steps, with our automated migration app. If you’re dealing with a elaborate data structure, feel free to select our adjusted approach. We’re up for it to satisfy your unique requirements.

Connect platforms

Connect your source and target platforms

Map and match data

Specify how your data should be transferred


Start a Demo to access the replication tool and its results

Full Data Migration

Start or plan your data transition

Elevate Your Help Scout to Help Scout Export with These Options

  • Omit attachments

    Does your future customer service tool provide definite data storage? Omit attachments, particularly if your existing customer support records doesn’t suffer a loss of its value without them. The data migration time will scale down remarkably.

  • Create a extra tag to the exported tickets

    Choose extra tags to the imported tickets — like so, you won’t confuse them with the left. You may further group the tickets by adding tags like ‘lost,’ ‘closed,’ or ‘stop replying.’

  • Import inline images as attachments

    Export the images fixed into tickets as attachments. The data migration time might take more time, but the images will stay along on a future support service platform.

  • Take a look our Demo with custom records by copying 20 entities

    If you require to see how particular entities look like in the expected help desk solution, launch this free custom Demo and hand-pick 20 entities for a migration.

  • Import newest data first

    Select this option to transfer your most recent records in a chronological flow, from most recent to oldest. This custom capability is applicable to Full Migrations.

Your Help Desk Data Import or Export is the Whole Way Long

Using Help Desk Migration tool, don't worry about safety of critical data. We regularly scan all systems and make improvements, so that your data is shielded based on the recent standards.

We enforce a firm two-factor access policy

Help Desk Migration Wizard takes advantage of two-factor access. Moreover, only your company representatives with admin rights can export your Help Scout records. With these security features arranged, you don't worry about data leakage.

Three-layer business data security

Help Desk Migration ensures 3 levels of business data security. At the physical layer, we defense our data hosting equipment from any intrusion. At the app layer, we block any unlawful log in to your records on our service. And, finally, on the network level, we secure our networks from digital attacks.

Meet safety principles

We secure your records based on all key security fundamentals. Our Help Desk Migration service holds an extensive portfolio of compliance, and we continue growing it. Currently, we meet the demands and requirements of GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, PCI (Level 1), and other data protection levels.

What is the cost of your Help Scout to Help Scout data migration?

And now to the burning question. How much will it cost to switch from Help Scout to Help Scout? The cost will mostly lean on the business data volume you want to transfer, the complexity of your demands, and the options you’ll select or customizations you’ll ask for. Start a Free Demo to test the Migration Wizard work and find out how much your migration will cost.

Run a Demo to get the price

Reviews helps us upgrade our tool: Several words from Help Desk Migration customers

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Find out the way to prepare for Help Scout data migration

Prepare for Help Scout data migration by checking an in-depth step-by-step guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Consolidating two Help Scout accounts is a straightforward process. Start by using the Migration Wizard tool. Connect the source Help Scout account, which contains the data you want to export, and specify the target Help Scout account where the data will be imported. In the Migration Wizard, you can configure migration settings, like selecting the types of records to transfer, mapping fields for data consistency, and deciding whether to include additional information with the imported records. It's a good practice to run a free demo to test the process before proceeding with the full consolidation. By following these steps, you can merge data from two Help Scout accounts without unnecessary complexity.

Help Scout adopts a unique approach by treating all customer communications as conversations, rather than relying on a traditional "ticketing" system. When a team receives an email, it arrives in their Help Scout shared inbox. This shared inbox allows team members to collaborate effectively and work together to provide responses and support to customers. The emphasis is on fostering seamless and collaborative communication to enhance the customer service experience.

Help Scout is unique in the way it combines help desk functions with Customer Relationship Management (CRM), offering the benefits of both in one platform. This makes it a solid choice for companies seeking to enhance their customer service without the need for separate systems. It allows organizations to provide excellent support while also keeping track of customer interactions effectively. Consequently, Help Scout is a practical solution for companies aiming to improve their customer service and manage customer relationships efficiently.

To establish a new mailbox in Help Scout, begin by accessing the "Manage" section within your Help Scout account. From there, navigate to "Mailboxes" and click on the prominent "New Mailbox" button highlighted in blue. Here, you can input your preferred email address and assign a name to the mailbox. This action will generate a dedicated email address within your Help Scout subdomain, ready for use as an independent communication channel.

Complete Help Scout to Help Scout Import in Several Clicks

Import your business records from Help Scout to Help Scout without difficulty with no disarranging from what actually matters — setting right your customers’ issues. Help Desk Migration service manages all the work behind the scenes whilst you simply enjoy respond to your clients tickets your chosen platform.

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