Trusted Gorgias to Gorgias data migration service

based on over 1000+ reviews from and others

Encrypted dialogues, secure servers, modern authorization ways

Automated process, never get time-out, avoiding any workflow pauses

Bargain pricing to deliver a function + fee balance

Our customers

Customers across various niches rely on our tool

Automattic Cmyk Arkansas tech university Cosmos Thule Petplan Minerva

What Records Can You Migrate from Gorgias to Gorgias ?

With our Migration tool, you can with no trouble import or export huge piles of diverse data entities to or from Gorgias to Gorgias. Here’s the parameters of entities you can import or export implementing automated tool without any assistance from tech service reps.

Do you require distinguishing Gorgias to Gorgias migration demands?

Let's discuss your specific needs for a customized data migration.

Gorgias objectsGorgias objects
Help Desk
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How Gorgias to Gorgias Data Migration Goes

You can do data import in five simple steps, applying our automated migration tool. If you’re dealing with a elaborate data structure, feel free to go with our customized way. We’re all set to follow your non-standard demands.

Connect platforms

Connect your source and target platforms

Map and match data

Specify how your data should be transferred


Start a Demo to access the replication tool and its results

Full Data Migration

Start or plan your data transition

Boost Your Gorgias to Gorgias Import with These Opportunities

  • Bypass attachments

    Does your new platform enable small data storage? Leave behind attachments, specially if your current data doesn’t suffer a loss of its value without them. The data import and export time will drop significantly.

  • Choose a new tag to the migrated tickets

    Are you going to use a source platform during migration? To reduce disorder, use tags to the migrated tickets to identify them from the remaining ones.

  • Employ the attachment feature to Import inline images

    Don’t want to leave behind images fixed into the tickets? You can migrate them to the new help desk solution as attachments.

  • Demo with custom data: Pick 20 entities for export

    Avoid any guessing. Make certain you understand completely what the entities settle at the end of you’ve imported them. Help Desk Migration’s Demo with custom data empowers you select 20 entities for a test migration.

Your Help Desk Data Import and Export is the Whole Way Along

Using Help Desk Migration app, don't worry about security of business records. We commit to the up-to-date requirements, run regular upgrades, and consistently examine all servers.

We apply a rigid two-factor access policy

Our Migration Wizard guards your records from unauthorized acquiring access with 2FA access. On top of that, users can only migrate Gorgias records if they got admin rights. Linked, these security measures avoid the dangers of data leak.

Three-layer business data safety

Help Desk Migration comes with three levels of records safety. At the physical layer, we defense our data hosting equipment from logical and physical intrusion. At the application level, we cease any forbidden entry to your business data on our platform. And, last but not least, on the network layer, we secure our networks against cyber harm.

Follow protection levels

Our Help Desk Migration service fulfills to leading security levels, delivering utmost greatest security for your business records. We are compatible with HIPAA, CCPA, PCI DSS Level 1, GDPR, and other essential data security standards. And our extensive compliance portfolio continues getting enlarged.

How much does Gorgias to Gorgias data migration cost?

How much will you need to invest in the switch from Gorgias to Gorgias? The price will mostly build upon the records volume you require to move, the complexity of your demands, and the options you’ll use or customizations you’ll inquire. Set a Free Demo to check the Migration Wizard performance and figure out how much your migration will cost.

Run a Demo to get the price

Feedback motivates us level up our solution: Few words from Help Desk Migration customers

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Find out the way to prepare for Gorgias data migration

Prepare for Gorgias data migration by checking an in-depth step-by-step guide

All-packed Gorgias to Gorgias Migration in a Few Clicks

Export your records from Gorgias to Gorgias without trouble without disarranging from what truly matters — settling your clients’ concerns. Our Wizard takes on all the work behind the scenes when you simply enjoy respond to your customer queries your new platform.

More additional resources about data migration

Willing to learn more about help desk records import and export and customer service upgrading? Surf our help section.

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