How to Plan Your Data Migration

Every help desk migration is different, and there’s no single way to run your data migration process. Make your migration planning and data importing easy with our recommendations.

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What Is Migration Planning?

We know that implementing or changing your help desk or service desk software has complex requirements and needs. Detailed migration planning can streamline your data importing without unexpected adjustments and bottlenecks.

Step 1. Run Demo Migration

Overview of the help desk migration process and assess how to route your record transfer.

Run Demo Migration
Step 2. Setup customization

Adjust and tune the default importing to your business needs. You can filter records by various criteria, add extra tags, migrate inline images, skip attachments, migrate ticket events like private notes, and more.

Setup customization
Step 3. Prepare your Source and Comms

Disable notifications and triggers on your Target. Arrange with our team the time when you’re going to disable triggers and automations, and reconnect communication channels.

Prepare your Source and Target
Step 4. Launch your Full Migration

During this stage, all your records are going to be read and then moved to your Target. So if you can’t see your data migrated after you’ve started Full Data Migration, everything is fine – the data migration is in progress.

Launch your Full Migration
Step 5. Delta Migration time

If you decide to keep working on your Source during the migration, you can set up your Delta to transfer the new or updated data. Note: Delta migration is available in the Signature support plan only.

Delta Migration time
Step 6. Source Sunset

All your help desk data is transferred, the notifications, triggers, and communication channels are on – your Target is ready to enhance your customer support process.

Source Sunset
Monitoring of user activity

Migrating a large volume of records?
Rely on the Help Desk Migration team

Still considering your migration? We can help you out – set up, customize and run your Full Migration, and you simply check the imported data. For more details - read about Concierge Migration Service.

Your current and desired help desk systems will have zero downtime. You can use any platform during your Full Migration.

The time of your data migration depends on the volume of objects you want to import, the size of attachments, API limits of your Source and Target, and API specifications. To speed up your Full Migration, you can request help desk vendors to increase API limits, use the ‘Skip attachment’ option, or request custom data filtering.

You can set up your data migration, proceed with payment, and start your migration or schedule to a specific date. In case, you choose our Concierge Migration Service option, then you simply select the time and date for a start, and we handle all the rest.

Tips for Successful Help Desk Migration Planning and Performing

Keep your notifications and triggers on during the data transfer, but employ our workaround – add a tag to the imported tickets.

No updates to the agents, fields, etc. during the data migration. That may end in the Full Migration suspending and/or inconsistency of data on the Target.

Avoid updating access credentials and/or API keys during the Full Data Migration because that would suspend your data importing.

If your Source expires soon, be sure to start your help desk migration a few days before that date.

Still have some questions? If you need some help with migration planning or setting up your help desk transfer, schedule a call and we’ll help you out.

Trusted by thousands of companies and support teams around the world

From startups to large enterprises, we help companies of any size to get the most out of their help desk migration experience.

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