What Does the Default Value Mean? [+Video]

What does the Constant Value in Migration Wizard mean?

When mapping tickets and article fields, you’ve got three options: a) skip this field; b) select a source field; or c) set a default value. In this article, we’ll shed some light on “a default value” and how you can use it for data mapping.

What Is a Default Value?

In data mapping, a default value is a fixed value that helps establish a consistent and standardized value for a specific field in the target system. It can be defined for various ticket and article fields, including separate custom ones.

For example, it can be used to transfer all source tickets to the target platform with a default "open" status or a "low" priority.

Why Does a Default Value Matter?

  1. Standardization: Default values help maintain consistency by providing a predefined value when certain data is missing or unknown.
  2. Data transformation: They are used to transform data from the source help desk to the target one. It is especially useful when data lacks necessary information.
  3. Data validation: Default values can be used as indicators or placeholders within your target platform. They flag data points that require further attention or manual review.

How Does a Default Value Work?

Here’s how the process goes:

1. Go to ticket or article mapping.

Default Value Mapping

Note: Setting up a default value works the same for both ticket and article fields.

2. Open up a drop-down of any source field.

Default Value Mapping Source

3. Select a default value option.

Default Value Chosen

4. Choose a target value to use as a default one.

Default Value Target

Note: When you map a field to the target platform, all entries for that field will have the same value you choose as the default.

5. Repeat the process for all necessary fields.

Note: You can’t set a default value for system fields or custom fields with only one value.

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