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  4. What are the ‘Required/Mandatory field’ and ‘Skip this field’ in ticket migration?

What are the ‘Required/Mandatory field’ and ‘Skip this field’ in ticket migration?

During ticket migration at the mapping stage, our Migration Wizard displays 'Required/Mandatory' field labels and the option to 'Skip this field' on the Source platform side. Let's explore what these mean and why they're crucial for ticket migration.

What are required/mandatory fields?

Required/Mandatory fields are specific data fields that must be completed with certain information before a particular process can be successfully completed.

In the context of ticket management or data entry, these fields serve as essential components that ensure the completeness and accuracy of records.

In the Migration Wizard, these records are marked with a yellow label and text ‘required’ to indicate their mandatory nature. Filling in these fields is critical to running a proper ticket entities mapping between the source and target platforms, and failing to map the necessary fields properly can hinder progress or result in errors.

Ticket Migration - Required fields

Can Required/Mandatory fields be skipped during ticket migration?

No, Required/Mandatory fields cannot be skipped during ticket migration. These fields must be filled with appropriate values because they are essential for creating or closing tickets, especially when transitioning them to the "closed" status. Skipping these fields can result in errors or incomplete ticket records.

Ticket Migration - Required field selection

What does "Skip this field" mean during ticket migration?

The term 'Skip this field" is relevant in the context of ticket migration. It's important to clarify that this option does not apply to source fields. When "Skip this field" is selected, it means the corresponding target field will remain empty for all migrated tickets.

Ticket Migration - Skip this field on mapping step

This option is typically used when there is no equivalent field in the source account, and a new field is added to the target account. In such cases, there's no data to migrate from the source to this newly created field.

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