Help Desk Migration partner of Freshservice

Zendesk to Freshservice data migration made easy

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What Sorts of Data Can You Migrate from Zendesk to Freshservice ?

With Help Desk Migration tool, you can easily migrate massive volumes of varied records entities to or from Zendesk to Freshservice. Take a look the set of data entities you can migrate using automation without extra assistance from tech representatives.

Do you look for distinguishing Zendesk to Freshservice migration demands?

Let's discuss your requirements for a customized data import.

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How Does Zendesk to Freshservice Data Migration Make It?

You can perform records import in five simple actions, using our automated migration tool. However, if you have specific demands or a distinct data structure, feel free to choose a custom way.

Connect platforms

Connect your source and target platforms

Map and match data

Specify how your data should be transferred


Start a Demo to access the replication tool and its results

Full Data Migration

Start or plan your data transition

Elevate Your Zendesk to Freshservice Import with These Opportunities

  • Omit attachments

    Does your future platform enable small data storage? Skip attachments, specially if your existing customer support records drop none of its value without them. The migration time will trim considerably.

  • Create a new tag to the migrated tickets

    Choose tags to the migrated tickets — just like that, you won’t blend them with those existing. You may further group the tickets by adding tags like ‘lost,’ ‘closed,’ or ‘stop replying.’

  • Import inline images as attachments

    Migrate the images inserted into tickets as attachments. The data import time might take more time, but the images will never disappear along with the current a destination help desk platform.

  • Check out our Demo with custom records by transferring 20 entities

    If you want to see how certain entities will look like in the destination help desk platform, start this free custom Demo and select 20 entities for a import.

  • Import newest records first

    Choose this option to transfer your newest records in a chronological order, from newest to oldest. The capability applies only to Full Migration.

  • Migrate side conversations

    Transfer effortlessly your ticket side conversations while moving from Zendesk. During the data migration, these conversations will be imported as private comments into your new helpdesk.

  • Import call recordings

    You may require your call recordings for training your support service team. Our Migration Wizard lets you import or export them to the targeted help desk platform as attachments.

Your Help Desk Data Import or Export is Secured at Every Step

Employing Help Desk Migration service, you’ll never have to worry about security of valuable data. We commit to the latest standards, make proper upgrades, and invariably examine all servers.

We enforce a rigid 2FA access policy

Help Desk Migration Wizard uses 2FA access. On top of that, your business reps can only import from Zendesk data if they ​​possess admin access. Linked, these security measures avoid the risk of information leak.

We employ 3-layer

We provide three levels of business data safety: physical (we secure our data hosting equipment against any breach), network (we protect our networks against cyber attacks), and application (we protect your business data within our importing and exporting platform against unsanctioned log in).

We satisfy protection regulations

Help Desk Migration service fulfills to leading security levels, providing maximum security for your records. We meet the demands and requirements of HIPAA, CCPA, PCI DSS Level 1, GDPR, and other integral data safety fundamentals. And our extensive compliance portfolio is getting extended.

What is the cost of your Zendesk to Freshservice data migration?

And now to the burning question. How much will it cost to switch from Zendesk to Freshservice? The price will largely depend on the business data volume you need to move, the complexity of your demands, and the options you’ll select or custom work you’ll request. Run a Free Demo to test the Migration Wizard work and learn how much your data transfer will cost.

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Find out the way to prepare for Freshservice data migration

Prepare for Freshservice data migration by checking an in-depth step-by-step guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Begin by setting up your Freshservice account and proceed with the planning of your data migration. Determine the ideal day for the migration and note the necessary configuration changes in Zendesk and Freshservice. Initiate a Free Demo Migration to test how it works. Then check all available reports for migrated, skipped, and failed records. For a comprehensive guide, refer to our Freshservice Data Migration Checklist.

To ensure a smooth migration from Zendesk to Freshservice, there are several preparatory steps that you need to undertake.

  1. Generate an API key to connect Freshservice to Migration Wizard.
  2. Create custom fields on Freshservice that mirror those on Zendesk.
  3. Turn off email notifications for tickets.
  4. Disable Priority Matrix.
  5. Switch off workflow, scenarios, automation, and closure rules.

At Help Desk Migration, we offer three support packages - Standard, Premium, and Signature - designed to meet the unique requirements of our customers. The Standard package provides 9/5 support via phone, chat, and email with a guaranteed response time of 24 hours. With the Premium package, you receive daily support via email, chat, and phone. The Signature package offers daily support via email, chat, and phone, with an urgent response time of just 2 hours. For detailed information, please consult our Service Level Agreement.

The duration of your migration from Zendesk to Freshservice is contingent upon various factors, including the number of records and attachments being migrated, as well as the API limits configured in your accounts. To expedite the process, we recommend increasing your API limits.

Migration Wizards doesn’t alter your source data on Zendesk in any way; it just creates a copy of it, and imports it into Freshservice. So, once the data migration to Freshservice is complete, you can access your Zendesk account as always. For further information, refer to the Terms of Service.

Complete Zendesk to Freshservice Migration in a Few Clicks

Migrate your data from Zendesk to Freshservice painlessly with no disorganizing from what truly matters — dealing with your customers’ requests. Help Desk Migration Wizard takes on all the work behind the scenes while you simply enjoy using your chosen platform.

Get more additional resources about data migration

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