How to Import Data from Help Desk to Database?

By default, Migration Wizard supports importing data into SQLite databases. During the migration process to an SQLite database, our migration tool transfers all your customer data in a standardized format. So, once a data migration is complete, you’ll receive an archive with a .db file that contains all your information.

What Is a .DB File?

A .db file is used to indicate that the file stores information in a structured database format. Here’s what a .db looks like in an SQLite database:

SQLite Database

Depending on your source platform, the .db file includes tables for all migrated data like tickets, ticket attachments, comments, contacts, groups, articles, article attachments, folders, and categories.

Tables SQLite

Each table will contain the columns with the related data. For instance, the table for tickets includes columns like subject, company_id, group_id, tags, priority, status, type, requester_contact_id, etc.

Tickets SQLite

How to Open a .DB File?

To open an SQLite file, you can utilize a web tool or application that facilitates the viewing and editing of SQLite files. For instance, you could access SQLite Viewer through Google Drive in the Chrome browser.

How to Import Data to a Database?

Here’s how to import customer records to an SQLite database:

  1. Go to Migration Wizard and sign up.
  2. Choose your source platform. Then fill in the access credentials.
  3. Select the database as your target platform.
  4. Click Continue and go on with the rest of the steps.
Note: Be sure to download a sample .db file after a Demo Migration. This way, you can check if everything migrated correctly. Then proceed to the Full Data Migration.

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