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  4. Why do I need to disable campaigns when migrating from Intercom?

Why do I need to disable campaigns when migrating from Intercom?

Intercom allows the processing of a certain number of requests during a certain period of time. It is called API limit. Automated email campaigns that are sent to your customers also use the API limit. Thus, they may affect your data migration, specifically slow it down.

That’s why we recommend disabling any active automated email campaigns before starting your data migration to avoid delays.

This guide will show you how to disable campaigns in Intercom. Simply follow the steps below:

1. Log in to your Intercom account.
2. Click on the Outbound button.

Outbound section Intercom Screenshot

3. Go to Campaigns in the Outbound section.

Campaigns Intercom Screenshot

4. Choose a campaign you would like to disable from the list of your active campaigns.

Campaign Intercom Screenshot

5. Now, click on the “Pause campaign” button.

Pause Campaign Screenshot

Repeat the action for all your campaigns and that’s it! Your automated email campaign is now disabled, so you can start the data migration from Intercom without affecting the API limit. If something wasn’t clear enough or you would like to talk to an expert, feel free to contact us.

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