SuperOps Migration Guides

How to disable Priority Matrix in SuperOps?

To maintain the priorities as they were in the source platform, follow these steps to disable the Priority Matrix in your SuperOps account:

1. Log in to your SuperOps account.

2. Go to Settings and select the 'Priority Matrix' option. Migration Guide- Settings - Priority Matrix

3. In the 'Priority assignment matrix' settings, toggle the green switch to turn it grey. Ensure the toggle is grey and click 'Save.' Migration Guide - Turn off Priority Matrix

How to disable email notifications in SuperOps?

Before running SuperOps data migration, you need to turn off notifications. You can do this by following this guide.

1. Log in to your SuperOps account.

2. Go to Settings and choose the ‘Email Notifications’ option. Migration Guide - Settings - Email Notifications

3. Turn off every notification in each tab. To do this, choose an option and click the pencil icon in the upper right corner. Migration Guide- Deactivate email notifications

4. Then click the green toggle to turn it grey and so disable the notification. Migration Guide - Edit Activity

5. You need to accomplish this with each notification in each tab. Migration Guide - Deactivate all tabs and notifications

How to remove event triggers on SuperOps?

Before starting the migration to SuperOps, be sure to delete all event triggers on this platform. If triggers remain active, ticket priorities will be transferred incorrectly. Here’s a guide on how to remove triggers on SuperOps:

1. Open your SuperOps and go to Settings. Choose Event Triggers in the Automation section. Migration Guide - Settings - Event Triggers

2. Hover over a trigger and click the three dots that appeared on the right. Then, choose the Delete option. Migration Guide - Delete Triggers

3. Confirm your action by clicking Delete. Migration Guide - Confirm deleting trigger

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