How to check the result of Demo Migration in Freshservice

Once the Demo Migration to Freshservice is completed, you will see a table summary with a number of migrated records, including the migrated, skipped, and failed record reports with the ‘View 20 records’ button. These reports contain the record IDs in the source platform and the new IDs in Freshservice.

Freshservice Demo Complete

Click the button to open a list of record IDs to locate and check every migrated entity. The report looks like this:

Freshservice Migrated Contacts

Tickets and other records move to a target platform the same way during the Demo Migration and Full Data Migration. So, if some data weren’t migrated during the Demo Migration, it won’t be transferred during the Full Data Migration too.

That’s why you need to check if the Type, Source, Status, Priority, Custom Fields, Requester, Agent, Tags migrated correctly. Then repeat the same process for Knowledge Base articles. If everything migrated correctly, initiate the Full Data Migration.

Freshservice Migrated Tickets

Note: the tickets migrated during the demo will be removed from Freshservice automatically to prevent any duplicates on your future helpdesk.

Also, you’ll get similar reports after the Full Data Migration to make the whole post-examination process easier. So, ensure to check the migration results in details again.

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