Can I migrate internal links?

Unfortunately, our service does not migrate internal links in Knowledge base articles. Let us dwell on the reason for that.

But first of all, we’d like to make things clear - you can migrate links to Knowledge base articles but they will not change automatically. For instance, if you migrated your data from Zendesk to Freshdesk, Knowledge base article links will still lead to Zendesk Help Center even after the transfer.

That happens because each help desk has its own unique way of displaying internal links and there’s no way for us to foresee what ID the Knowledge base article will get in the target help desk upon the transfer. That’s why we ask you to run the link audit and manually update all the URLs. We understand the inconvenience it may cause, but when it comes to internal links, it’s best to play it safe. The interference to your content on our side may cause the link to become invalid or lead to unknown content.

We’ll do our best to solve the issue in the future.

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