Data migrated
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Industry: Manufacturing
Location: Lake Zurich, Illinois, USA
Type of migration: SysAid to Freshservice
The challenge: Echo Inc. needed to migrate their customer service data while preserving inline images and set apart migrated tickets with an extra tag.
The solution: Automated migration with pre-built customizations: extra ticket tag, inline images as attachments and Signature support plan
The result: The company migrated their data to Freshservice
About Company
Echo Inc., a leader in outdoor power for over 50 years, offers top-tier gas and battery-powered tools for professionals and homeowners. Founded in 1972, they pioneered the industry with innovations like the first backpack blower (PB-9 in 1975) and handheld blower (PB-200 in 1978). Their product range now includes chainsaws, trimmers, leaf blowers, hedge trimmers, and more.
Located in Lake Zurich, IL, Americas' headquarters spans 700,000 square feet, enabling Echo Inc. to manufacture 200+ products and 17,000 aftermarket items. Their mission is to uphold our legacy of innovation while providing high-quality outdoor power solutions, exceptional service, and a commitment to the environment.
Could you tell us a little about what your company does and how you meet your customers' needs and expectations? We'd love to hear your story!
Our company manufactures high quality power equipment that is used by the best landscapers in the business. Reliability, quality, and customer focus are at the core of our business.
We're always interested in hearing about real-life experiences using our tools. Could you share your thoughts on the Help Desk Migration service?
We were recommended to the Relokia Help Desk migration tool by one of our vendors. After research and testing, the tool provided the migration assistance we needed and helped us complete the migration tasks on time and budget.
What challenge were you hoping to overcome through the migration process?
The challenge we had to overcome was the complete lack of migration options on both the source and destination platforms. Simply put, there was no way to migrate data in bulk without a tool (ITIL systems are purpose built to exclude this functionality.)
What specific historical data were you looking to preserve during the transfer?
We wanted to keep as much of the original ticket as possible. This included metadata, inline images, notes and conversations.
Why should someone consider using an automated data migration tool?
A data migration tool is essential to maintain ticket integrity and usefulness. Simply put its impossible to migrate any number of tickets in masse without some kind of wizard to assist in the transfer of tickets from one platform to another.
We're curious – how did you discover Help Desk Migration?
It was recommended by Freshservice migration resources
We're always striving to improve our services. Could you tell us which features of Help Desk Migration were most valuable to you? Have you tried any of our pre-built customization options?
The feature I found most valuable was also the most frustrating. The pre-migration tasks for this tool are extensive, specifically the attribute mappings. I spent the better part of a month with this part of the migration, going back and forth between instances and having to add all kinds of fields to make the tool work. Despite all of that, in the end, we still had to go through thousands of tickets and figure out what was missing to get them over. The pre-staging should catch this or at least let administrators know there is a mapping issue. Tool said it was all good after weeks of fine tuning and in the end, it still required extra attention to get working.
Have you explored other methods for migrating data? We'd love to hear your thoughts!
I have vast experience migrating data in ITIL systems and chose Help Desk Migration tool because it was able to migrate [to and from] most platforms. Your tool fills a niche that is missing in the modern ITIL market. Each vendor has seized the option to migrate data in and out of their platforms and turned it into a revenue stream for them. Ten years ago, in the ITIL space, all tools had their own migration wizards built in (ServiceNow and Remedy Force are examples).
Do you have any advice for companies considering a data transfer to a different help desk platform? We're all ears!
Do your homework!! Helpdesk migrations are detailed, meticulous, and most often permanent. Figure out how many tickets you want to move, and what details you want tickets to contain and test a small portion to make sure they come over as expected. Even the best plans do not go off without a hitch, plan and prepare for migrations and how you will support the platform after moving. Also, have a back out contingency just in case and don’t forget to communicate and train users on a new platform.