Syncro Migration Guides

How to Generate Syncro API Token?

Generate Syncro API Token

To migrate from or to Syncro, you need to generate an API Token. This information is needed to establish a secure connection between your Syncro account and Migration Wizard.

Follow these steps to generate your Syncro API Token:

  • Go to your Syncro account.
  • Click on the Admin icon in the right top corner.

Syncro API Token Admin

  • Scroll down to API Tokens under API.

Syncro API Token

  • Click on New Token in the right-hand corner.

Syncro API Token New Token

  • In New Token, choose Custom Permissions.

Syncro API Token Custom Permissions

  • Check all API Permissions.

Syncro API Token All Permissions

  • Scroll down to Ticket - Use Ticket Charges and Tickets - View ‘Their Ticket’ Details (assigned to them), and disable the permissions.

Syncro API Token Ticket Permissions

  • Copy new Zapier API Token.

Syncro API Token Copy

When you go to API Tokens under the Admin icon, you will find your API Token.

Synro API Token Copy API

How to Enable Ticket Assignment in Syncro?

To migrate tickets from Syncro, you need to enable Ticket Assignment field. The Assignee field isn’t visible in the Ticket Info by default. You have to switch on this field before setting up your migration.

Ticket Assignment Syncro Info

Follow these steps to enable Ticket Assignment field:

  • Go to your Syncro account.
  • Click on the Admin icon in the right top corner.
  • Under Setting Pages, choose Tickets Settings.
  • Check Enable Ticket Assignment.

Ticket Assignment Syncro Interface

Then Assignee field will appear in the Ticket Info.

Ticket Assignment Syncro Assignee

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