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Salesforce Service Cloud Migration Guides

How to disable notifications in Salesforce Service Cloud?

Disable Notifications in Salesforce

Workflow automation rules help to get a lot of mundane, manual work out of the way. However, when you’re migrating to Salesforce Service Cloud you need to delete all workflow rules to prevent the system from sending out automatic email updates during the ticket import.

Note: if you haven’t created any workflow rules yet, you can skip this step.

Here’s how you can disable workflow automation rules:

1. Sign in to your Salesforce account with Admin rights

2. Go to Setup:

Salesforce Service Cloud interface

3. Under PLATFORM TOOLS find Process Automation and unfold the Workflow Actions tab:

Salesforce Service Cloud interface

4. Go to Workflow Rules and disable all rules to avoid automatic email updates.

How to migrate Created at, Closed at, Last modified at and Creator ID to Salesforce Service Cloud?

Salesforce Service Cloud ID

In migrate Created at, Closed at, Last modified at and Creator ID parameters to Salesforce Service Cloud you need to enable the below preferences.

1. Go to Setup:

Salesforce Service Cloud ID

2. Go to User Interface | User Interface:

Salesforce Service Cloud ID

3. Check Enable "Set Audit Fields upon Record Creation" and "Update Records with Inactive Owners" User Permissions.

4. Click Save.

Note that migrating from Salesforce Service Cloud you don't need to enable these preferences.

How to enable “Modify All Data” permission for a profile in Salesforce Service Cloud?

Modify All Data Permission

Enabling the "Modify All Data" permission in Salesforce Service Cloud is essential for ensuring a smooth data migration process. Follow these steps to grant the necessary permissions

How to check profile license

To check if the profile has a Salesforce license, go to Users; Profiles or type Profiles in Quick Find.

Administration console in Service Cloud

There, you will see all the profiles you have in your Service Cloud and the license of each profile.

All user licenses in Salesforce

How to enable the "Modify all data" permission

Go to Users; Profiles or type Profiles in Quick Find.

Administration console in Service Cloud

Locate the profile you need to change and select Edit.

Salesforce Service Cloud

Once you have the profile open scroll down to Administrative settings (or use Ctrl/Cmd + F to search in the text), find the Modify all data and check the box next to it.

Permission to modify all data in Service Cloud

Salesforce will automatically check other necessary permissions. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click Save.

Verification steps

After enabling the "Modify All Data" permission for the necessary profiles, ensure that all agents are correctly assigned to these profiles. Follow these steps for verification:

Go to Users > Users to view all users and their assigned profiles.

In our case, Aiden Morrison has a custom Support Profile assigned to him. This profile has a Salesforce license and we granted the necessary permissions in the previous chapter

Users in Service Cloud

Review Assignments:

  • Verify that each agent involved in the migration process is assigned to a profile with the "Modify All Data" permission.
  • Ensure consistency between the assigned profiles and the permissions required for migration.

Adjust Assignments (if necessary):

  • If any discrepancies are found, select the user requiring adjustments and click Edit.
  • Update the user's profile and license to align with migration requirements.
  • Save any changes made.
While checking agent profiles, also make sure that all agents involved in migration are ACTIVE on Salesforce.

Agent in Salesforce Service Cloud

Additionally, confirm that all agents involved in the migration are marked as ACTIVE in Salesforce.

With agent profiles accurately configured and assigned permissions verified, you're ready to proceed confidently with the migration process.

How to migrate knowledge base articles to Service Cloud Lighting?

Service Cloud Lighting

With Help Desk Migration service you can import knowledge base articles to Salesforce Service Cloud. However, due to the characteristics of Salesforce and its API, there’s some prep work you need to do:

  1. You need to switch on the knowledge base for the user with the System Administrator rights
  2. You need to enable the knowledge base is Salesforce
  3. Create Category Groups prior to the migration

How to enable the knowledge base for the user with the System Administrator rights

1) Go to your Salesforce account and click Home.

2) Under Administration, choose Users.

Salesforce Knowledge Base

3) Select the user with the System Administrator profile and click on Edit.

4) At the right side of the screen, scroll down to Knowledge User and put the tick.

Knowledge User Salesforce

5) Click Save to preserve setting changes.

How to enable the knowledge base in Salesforce

The knowledge base in Salesforce is available in Essential and Unlimited editions with Service Cloud.

Users of Professional, Enterprise, Performance, and Developer Editions can purchase the knowledge base at an additional cost.

Enabling Lightning Knowledge changes your org's data model to use record types rather than article types. Once enabled, Lightning Knowledge can't be disabled. In case your org uses multiple article types make sure to consolidate them before enabling Lightning Knowledge. It is recommended that you test in a Sandbox or Trial org before enabling Knowledge in production.

1) From Setup, enter Knowledge in Quick find then select Knowledge Settings.

Knowledge Base Import to Salesforce

2) Enable Knowledge by selecting Yes and clicking Enable Salesforce Knowledge.

3) Click OK to continue.

4) On the Knowledge Settings page, click Edit.

Service Cloud Migration

5) Select Enable Lightning Knowledge and then click Save.

Salesforce Service Cloud Import

Creating categories in Service Cloud Lightning

1) From Setup, enter Data Category in the Quick Find box, then select Data Category Setup.

2) Click New. Note that by default, you can create a maximum of five category groups and three active category groups.

Creating Category Groups In Service Cloud

3) Give your Category Group a name (80 characters max). You may also change the Group Unique Name (the unique name used to identify the category group in SOAP API).

Creating a Category Group In Service Cloud

4) Enter a description of the category group if necessary and click Save.

When you have completed all of the steps, go to the Migration Wizard and begin setting up your data migration.

Why to disable Phone Duplication rule in Salesforce Service Cloud?

How to disable Phone Duplication rule in Salesforce Service Cloud

When migrating to Salesforce Service Cloud, it's crucial to disable the phone duplication rule to prevent interference with the migration process.

Duplicate rules in Service Cloud are helpful for alerting users about potential duplicate records while creating or editing a record. However, during migration, these rules can impede progress.

For example, when migrating from Zendesk to Service Cloud, if two end users share a company phone number as their contact reference, Service Cloud may mistakenly identify them as duplicates due to enabled phone duplication rules. This can halt the migration process with an error.

To avoid such issues, it's recommended to temporarily disable the phone duplication rule before initiating the data migration. You can re-enable the rule once the migration is successfully completed.

Steps to Disable Phone Duplication Rule:

1. Navigate to Setup by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner.

Phone Duplication Rule in Salesforce

2. Proceed to Administration > Data > Duplicate management > Duplicate rules.

Phone Duplication Rule in Salesforce

3. Locate and open the phone duplication rule (the name may vary).

Phone Duplication Rule in Salesforce

4. Click on Deactivate to disable the rule temporarily.

By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth migration process without encountering issues related to phone duplication rules.

How to calculate contacts in Salesforce Service Cloud?

In Salesforce Service Cloud, you can calculate the number of contacts using the Charts functionality. Here’s how it works.

1. Go to Contacts.

Salesforce Contacts

2. Select a contact list from the dropdown.

Salesforce Contact List

3. Click the Show charts icon on the right.

Salesforce Charts

4. Check the total number of contacts inside the chart and the breakdown by groups beneath the chart.

Calculate Salesforce Contacts

How to calculate the number of cases in Salesforce Service Cloud?

You can get the number of cases in your Salesforce Service Cloud by running the Cases report. To set it up properly, perform the following steps.

1. Go to Reports.

Salesforce Reports

2. Choose the New Report option.

Salesforce Cases

3. Type “cases” in the search bar and select the Cases report.

Salesforce Cases Report

4. Then click Start Report.

Calculate Salesforce Cases

5. This page shows you the preview of a limited number of cases. To see all cases, use filters on the left and click Run in the top right corner.

Run Salesforce Report

6. You can find the total number of cases above the list on the left.

Salesforce Tickets

How to calculate articles in Salesforce Service Cloud?

In Salesforce Service Cloud, you can use views to search for specific lists of articles and figure out their total count. This guide will help you calculate articles in Salesforce Service Cloud with a few clicks.

1. Go to the Knowledge tab.

Salesforce Knowledge

2. Select the list view from the dropdown.

Salesforce List View

3. To add more views, click the List View Controls icon and select New.

Salesforce Article

4. Once you select the list view, find the number of filtered articles above the list. If the number of records exceeds 50, you’ll have to scroll down to the end of the list ad check the total number of articles.

Calculate Articles in Salesforce

How to check the result of Demo Migration in Salesforce Service Cloud?

Once the Demo Migration preview is ready, you will see a table summary of your migrated records. You see reports for the migrated, skipped, and failed records, containing the record IDs in the source platform and the new IDs in Salesforce Service Cloud.

Salesforce Service Cloud Migration

Click the button to see a list of record IDs and check every migrated entity. The report looks like this:

Migrated Companies Salesforce

During a Demo Migration and a Full Data Migration, tickets and other records move to a new platform in the same way. As a result, if some data weren't migrated during the Demo Migration, they won't be migrated during the Full Data Migration either.

Go through each ticket and check everything along with Type, Source, Status, Priority, Custom Fields, Requester, Agent, and Attachments.

Migrated Tickets Salesforce

Note: Attachments in private comments are visible to administrators and/or the agent who added them only. Turn on the 'View All Data' permission in the settings to check if attachments have migrated correctly.

Also, you’ll see similar reports after the Full Data Migration. So, ensure to check the migration results in details again.

Note: All the data transferred during the Demo Migration will be removed automatically from Salesforce Service Cloud before the Full Data Migration. This way, you won’t get any duplicates your help desk afterward.

How to Increase API limits in Salesforce Service Cloud?

To speed up the migration you can request a temporary increase to your API limit. Please, not that you have to do this before starting the Full Demo Migration.

To send your request, create a case with Salesforce Customer Support and include this text:

I would like to request an increase to the API limit to perform a migration to Salesforce Service Cloud, using the Help Desk Migration tool.
The Organization ID of the production instance I would like to increase the API limit for is 00D90060000aaPg*. The number of calls we would like to obtain for the next two weeks** is 150,000***.
We want to import 200.000**** number of records. Namely, we’re going to transfer Tickets, Agents, Contacts, Company, Groups*****. The batch size that’s going to be used is 200.

* — Here’s how you can find the Organization ID.
** — Salesforce increases API limit for the max of two weeks.
*** — Check the table to calculate the number of API calls.
**** — You can find out the exact total number of records after running the Demo Migration.
***** — List the objects you're going to migrate to Salesforce Service Cloud

Where do I find ticket comments in Salesforce Service Cloud?

Ticket Comments in Salesforce Service Cloud

To find private notes open the ticket that contains them and click on Related:

Safesforce Service Cloud

Under Case Comments you will see all private comments.

If the ticket contains an attachment, our service will import it as a private attachment. Also, if the comment exceeds 4000 characters, it will be cut due to the limitations of Salesforce Service Cloud.

Public comments can be found in Chatter;Email.

Salesforce Service Cloud

Case replies are not displayed in Salesforce Lightning after the migration

There’s an issue in Salesforce Lightning with Case Replies. Often, they are not displayed after the migration process. To fix this issue, you need to do a few simple steps:

1. Switch your desk to Salesforce Classic version.

2. Look through all the cases you migrated to your platform. You will need to enter each case and then return to the whole list.

3. Switch back to Salesforce Lightning.

Now, all the replies to the Cases you’ve looked through should be displayed in all cases.

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