Kayako Migration Guides

How do I find closed conversations in Kayako?

To find closed tickets in your Kayako, simply input in:conversations (status:closed) in the search bar. Kayako will then generate a preview. Click on See more in advanced search:

Kayako Conversations

You will then be able to view all closed conversations in Kayako:

Conversations in Kayako

How to calculate customers in Kayako?

Kayako calculates the total number of your customers and allows you to search for particular customers by applying user attributes.

1. Go to the Agent area.

Kayako Agent Area

2. Select Customers on the sidebar menu.

Customers in Kayako

3. Find the total number of customers above the list. You can tick user attributes on the left to filter out specific customers.

Calculate Customers in Kayako

How to check the outcome of Demo Migration for Kayako?

Once the Demo is complete, you will see this summary of records in a table form. Each record type includes reports for migrated, skipped, and failed data.

Kayako Demo Complete

To check the results, click on the button next to the respective record. Every report includes a list with all the records IDs used for the Demo from the source database and respective new IDs in Kayako. The report looks like this:

Migrated Staff Kayako

Whether it is the Demo Migration or Full Migration, all tickets and related data transfer similarly. So, if some records weren’t migrated during the Free Demo, they wouldn’t move during the Full Data Migration.

Go through each ticket and check if everything along with Type, Status, Priority, Source and Custom Fields, Requester, Agent, and Tags. If you are moving your Knowledge Base, make sure if all the articles have correct statuses too.

Migrated Groups Kayako

Note: Migration Wizard automatically removes the tickets transferred during the Demo Migration from Kayako before the Full Data Migration. This way, you won’t have any duplicates on your new platform.

When the Full Data Migration finishes, you’ll see a similar table with clickable reports - check all migrated records too.

How to allow potentially unsafe HTML in Kayako Help Center articles?

By default, Kayako is configured to block unsafe HTML tags and attributes, to ensure that your customers can safely browse your knowledge base. However, if you need to migrate embedded content, you can allow the display of unsafe content:

  • In the admin panel, click the Security menu.
  • Under Security, select the Security policies menu.
  • Go to Help Center content.
  • Check Allow potentially unsafe HTML in Help Center articles.

Warning: this change allows potentially malicious code to be executed when users open an article in a browser.

Limitations of Collaborators in Kayako

Collaborator is an agent that has specific permissions. A Collaborator has all the necessary permissions to communicate internally with other agents, but cannot communicate externally with customers.

hereby, Collaborators can only be looped in, but cannot be assigned to tickets. If you have an agent that had a full set of permissions in the source help desk but was made a Collaborator in Kayako, all tickets assigned to this agent will be skipped during the migration.

Before starting the migration, you can either manually re-assign the tickets or contact our team, letting us know to who we should re-assign the tickets.

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