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  4. How to Import a JSON File into Spiceworks Cloud?

How to Import a JSON File into Spiceworks Cloud?

Once the Data Migration to Spiceworks Cloud is complete, download an archive with import.json file. Upload this JSON file into your Spiceworks account to finish up the data migration. But you need to extract a JSON file from an archive.

Archive with Import File

Here’s how to import a JSON file into Spiceworks Cloud:

1. Open up your Spiceworks Cloud account.
2. Navigate to Settings.

Spiceworks Cloud Settings

3. Select the appropriate organization.

Spiceworks Cloud Organization

Note: Be sure to choose the organization you've picked up while connecting Spiceworks Cloud to Migration Wizard.

4. Then go to Import/Export Tickets.

Spiceworks Cloud Export Import

5. Click the Choose file to upload (json) button and choose the import.json file you’ve extracted before. Wait for the JSON file to upload.

Spiceworks Cloud Choose File

Note: Be sure not to check the Keep the same ticket numbers when importing box. This way, you can speed up the import process. If you want to match ticket IDs, contact our support team before importing to ensure there aren’t any ticket ID conflicts.

6. Click Continue import to start the transferring process.

Spiceworks Cloud Continue Import

Note: It may take minutes or even hours to complete the file import. Click the Check the import log link to monitor the import status.

7. Once the JSON file import is complete, the account owner receives an email. And all imported tickets automatically appear on the ticket list.

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