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  5. How to calculate articles in Jira Service Management?

How to calculate articles in Jira Service Management?

Within the realm of Jira Service Management, an exceptional tool awaits: the Advanced search feature. Its purpose? To seamlessly navigate through the vast expanse of knowledge base items, ranging from captivating blog posts to insightful pages and informative attachments.

It's important to note that when migrating your precious knowledge base content to Jira Service Management, it seamlessly finds its new home in Confluence, awaiting your discovery.

1. Using the Switch to the menu in the left top, go to Confluence.

Jira Confluence

2. Click the search bar on the top right and choose the Advanced search option.

Jira Advanced Search

3. Filter items by Space, Type, and other criteria.

Jira Articles

4. Find the number of items under the search bar.

Jira Articles

How to Migrate Articles to Confluence?

To embark on a seamless journey of migrating your cherished articles to Confluence, let's follow a few simple steps within the Migration Wizard:

Step 1: Source Selection

In the Migration Wizard, start by selecting your desired source and provide the URL and API key that corresponds to it. Once done, press the "Continue" button, propelling yourself forward.

Migrate Articles to Jira Confluence

Step 2: Target Selection

Next, choose Jira Service Management as your target destination and furnish the necessary credentials. With anticipation building, click the "Continue" button to proceed further into the migration realm.

Migrate Articles to Jira

Step 3: Configuring the Connection

Forge a strong connection to Jira Service Management by meticulously configuring it. Select the appropriate service desk and issue type, ensuring a seamless flow of information. Once satisfied, enthusiastically hit the "Continue" button, propelling your migration journey to the next level.

Migrate to Jira

Step 4: Selecting Knowledge Base Objects

It's time to choose the knowledge base objects that you desire to migrate. As you enthusiastically select the "Articles" option, rest assured that the accompanying "Categories" and "Folders" options are already chosen by default.

Import Articles to Confluence

Step 5: Mapping Data

Navigate the bridge between platforms as you map the essential data elements, ensuring a smooth transition. Be sure to save any changes made along the way, forging a personalized migration experience that suits your needs.

Jira Confluence Migration

Step 6: Initiating the Free Demo

With preparations complete, it's time to start the Free Demo. Excitement builds as you eagerly click the "Continue" button, setting the wheels in motion for a captivating preview of the migration outcome.

Jira Demo Migration

Step 7: Checking the Demo Migration Results

With the Free Demo complete, take a moment to check the fruits of your migration labor. Explore the results and revel in the satisfaction of witnessing your articles find their new home in Confluence.

Free Demo Migration

Step 8: Initiating the Full Migration

Now that the groundwork has been laid, it's time to take the final leap. Click the "Proceed to Payment" button, igniting the Full Migration process for your cherished knowledge base articles. Let the transformation unfold!

With each step, you're inching closer to unlocking the true potential of your knowledge base within Confluence. May your migration be swift and fruitful!

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